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Mon - Sun

Primary Wing

Home Academics

Primary Wing

RM Public School has grown rapidly and is considered among the most prestigious primary school in Gopalganj. The number of students in each class is constrained, the curriculum is extensive, and the standards are rigorous. Our schools are dedicated to having a smaller student population and provide each student with the same amount of available space as major international schools, which allows for more individualized instruction and engagement possibilities. Both English and Hindi are used as the language of instruction.

  • Primary education forms the bedrock of development. It is in primary school that children learn foundational skills that prepare them for life, work and active citizenship. Quality education empowers children and young people, safeguards their health and well-being, and breaks cycles of poverty. It also empowers countries, ushering in economic prosperity and social cohesion.

  • We see education as a process of renovation. We have a good plan, a mechanism for implementing it effectively, for checking and following up, and for taking remedial action when things go wrong. We stick with the kids till they succeed once they are enrolled with us. Because of our meticulous, thorough, and well-planned teaching style, rather than because we are selective, academic results are great. We urge kids to reach their full potential. Because there are only a few students in each class, teachers and students get along well. Each child's progress is observed by our leadership.